Category: Marketing

For Sale / All Types
Better Safe Than Sorry: Get A Home Inspection Before You List Your Property

Better Safe Than Sorry: Get A Home Inspection Before You List Your Property Before purchasing a home, a buyer schedules a home assessment to verify the condition of the property. Every situation is unique, but in many cases, it’s also a good idea for a seller to get a home evaluation prior to listing a […]

How to market your home for sale in Sandy Springs

How to market your home for sale in Sandy Springs 1. What’s the minimal you need to get from the sale Get an understanding of what your house could sell for. A quick search on the internet for homes that sold in your neighborhood could give you an idea of what homes are selling for […]

What are the essential repairs to sell your home in Atlanta

What are the essential repairs to sell your home in Atlanta When the time comes to listing your home for sale in Atlanta, you might start to feel overwhelmed by all of the projects you might have done or think yo may have to do before listing your home for sale in Atlanta so you can pleased […]

When Buying a Home in Atlanta, What are the most important requirements?

When Buying a Home in Atlanta, What are the most important requirements? The decision to purchase a home is probably among the biggest decisions you will ever make in your lifetime, so to give you a good starting point, I have outlined the basics that you need to know before you start to look for […]

Selling Your Home In Sandy Springs? Review the Benefits of Staging

Selling Your Home In Sandy Springs? Review the Benefits of Staging To improve the probability of selling your home, you have to consider all your options to make your home attractive to your potential home buyer in Sandy Springs GA. Staging your home is among the most overlooked methods home sellers can make their homes […]

Atlanta Real Estate, the most fundamental steps of buying or selling your home

Atlanta Real Estate, the most fundamental steps of buying or selling your home The most fundamental steps to Buy or Sell your Home in Atlanta Buying or selling a home is very difficult and stressful. The number of homes sold in the area you are buying or selling will have a major impact on how the […]

Buying a Home in Atlanta, What would my monthly Mortgage Be?

Buying a Home in Atlanta, What would my monthly Mortgage Be? To find out your mortgage monthly payment, you can use the mortgage calculator below. The numbers will be an approximation of your monthly payment. There are some many variables in calculating your exact mortgage payment making it really hard to come up with the […]

After your home is under contract in Atlanta, what should sellers Do?

After your home is under contract in Atlanta, what should sellers Do? When you have a signed contract with the buyer to sell your home, you may feel like you can breathe a sigh of relief. But you as seller still have things to do; as a seller you have to cooperate with the buyer, and […]

How to negotiate the best price when buying or selling your house in Atlanta?

How to negotiate the best price when buying or selling your house in Atlanta? Whether you're a buyer or a seller, you have the same goals when it comes to real estate. That is natural and reasonable, but what are the steps you need to succeed? Selling your home is a complex issue because all […]

How To Design Your Own Window And Door Openings

How To Design Your Own Window And Door Openings The most common reasons for ordering customized windows are filling a non-standard window opening and creating a window that suits your design needs better than off-the-shelf solutions. There can be many things to consider when it comes to customizing your own windows and doors. We will […]

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