Category: First Time Home Buyers

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5 Valuable Advice To Buy A Dream Home In Dunwoody, GA

Owning a beautiful home is a dream for most Americans. It is a crucial part of the American Dream. Whether you are interested to buy a home in Dunwoody, GA for personal residence or looking for homes for sale in Dunwoody for investment purposes, you will find the following 5 advice invaluable in finding the […]

5 Effective Ways New Homeowners Can Save On Yearly Electricity Bills In The Summer

Energy bills take a big chunk out of the annual budget of most homeowners. The average household in the US spends about $1320 in electric bills annually. According to the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), electric bills account for about 9 percent of household expenses.  Fortunately, there are a number of steps that you […]

Buying a Home in Atlanta, What would my monthly Mortgage Be?

Buying a Home in Atlanta, What would my monthly Mortgage Be? To find out your mortgage monthly payment, you can use the mortgage calculator below. The numbers will be an approximation of your monthly payment. There are some many variables in calculating your exact mortgage payment making it really hard to come up with the […]

You want to buy a house in Atlanta? Do you know how much you need for a down payment?

You want to buy a house in Atlanta? Do you know how much you need for a down payment? When you are saving money to buy your first home, it can be daunting to think about the amount of money you need to save to become a first time home owner. While there are loans that require […]

What's The Difference Between A Closed And Open Term Mortgage?

What’s the Difference Between a Closed and Open Term Mortgage? If you’re the type that isn’t comfortable just handing off all your mortgage activities to someone else without having a hand in them, you’ll want to know about closed and open mortgages, so you’re better informed. This aspect may seem relatively minor once you’ve been […]

How to negotiate the best price when buying or selling your house in Atlanta?

How to negotiate the best price when buying or selling your house in Atlanta? Whether you're a buyer or a seller, you have the same goals when it comes to real estate. That is natural and reasonable, but what are the steps you need to succeed? Selling your home is a complex issue because all […]

How To Design Your Own Window And Door Openings

How To Design Your Own Window And Door Openings The most common reasons for ordering customized windows are filling a non-standard window opening and creating a window that suits your design needs better than off-the-shelf solutions. There can be many things to consider when it comes to customizing your own windows and doors. We will […]

How to Select Your Real Estate Agent in Atlanta?

How to Select Your Real Estate Agent in Atlanta? Employing a real estate agent in Atlanta to represent you is essential to your whole experience as a home seller. The agent you select will engage in planning your home selling process such as: setting the listing price, marketing your home and negotiating with potential home […]

Steps to Buy Your Home in Atlanta

Steps to buy your home in Atlanta 1. Get a loan approval letter These are the basic documents you will need to get a loan approval letter. The last two years of tax returns The last three months of bank statements Pay stubs for the last two months W-2 and or 1099 forms Employment and […]

First Time Home Buyers Guide

Down payment assistance for First Time Home Buyers First Time Home Buyers Guide Buying your first home is an activity, and like every other experience, there are specific actions you can take to make sure you attain your ultimate goal securely and effectively. Financing The first task with regards to buying your first home is determining what […]

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